Whenever I travel to a third world country, I bring an extra bag or two of gear for porters and school supplies for children. After completing my trek, I donate my warm clothing to the local porters project. This partly explains why the pictures of me on summit day always contain the ugliest hat I own…. However, it is well worth the embarrassing pictures to see the faces of the porters and the children when I hand over the needed items.
As we close out the year, it’s a wonderful opportunity to reflect on those less fortunate than ourselves. In so many areas of the world, people cannot put food on the table much less travel to far away places. Travel should be more than just observing interesting things, it’s an opportunity to view the world through a different set of eyes.
Please consider donating to Charities Within Reach where 100% of your donation goes directly to the projects, which include the Shalom Orphanage in Tanzania, Free A Child in Nepal, and porters in Tanzania, Nepal, and Peru.
I wish everyone a very happy new year and wishing you wonderful travels and adventures in 2008!
Robin Paschall
Adventures Within Reach